Praise and Worship song:  I Keep Falling In Love With Him – with lyrics and chords

To see the lyric and chord sheet for this song, click here:
I Keep Falling In Love With Him Lyrics and Chords

I keep falling in love with Him
Over and over, and over and over again
I keep falling in love with Him
Over and over, and over and over again

He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by
What a love between my Lord and I

I keep falling in love with Him
Over and over, and over and over again


The Meaning Behind I Keep Falling In Love With Him

I Keep Falling In Love With Him is a beautiful song that expresses the deep and growing love believers experience in their relationship with Jesus. It speaks of how His love never fails, His grace sustains us, and each day brings new reasons to love Him even more.

This song is a testimony of how walking with Christ is not a one-time experience but a lifelong journey of discovering His endless mercy, faithfulness, and love. As we grow in Him, our appreciation and love for Him continue to deepen.

Biblical Inspiration

The message of I Keep Falling In Love With Him is reflected in these Scriptures:

  • Lamentations 3:22-23 (NIV)“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
  • 1 John 4:19 (NIV)“We love because He first loved us.”
  • Psalm 136:26 (NIV)“Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.”

These verses remind us that God’s love is everlasting, and the more we experience His grace, the more we fall in love with Him daily.

Personal Reflection & Application

As you listen to I Keep Falling In Love With Him, take a moment to reflect on these questions:

  • How has God’s love sustained you through different seasons of your life?
  • In what ways has your relationship with Christ grown deeper over time?
  • How can you share the joy of loving and knowing Jesus with others?

This song is an encouragement to continually seek a closer relationship with the Lord, knowing that His love never runs dry and His faithfulness never wavers.

Sing Along & Share

We invite you to sing along with the video above and reflect on the lyrics below. If I Keep Falling In Love With Him has blessed you, consider sharing it with someone who needs to be reminded of God’s enduring and ever-growing love.