Here is our complete video study of the book of James.
Pastor Dave Hannah taught verse by verse through the entire book of James in a series of 28 sermons. The series dives deep into each verse of the letter from James, the half-brother of Jesus, to the church

Praying For Patience - Sermon on James 1:1-4

Praying With Certainty - Sermon on James 1:5-8

We Ain't Going Anywhere! - Sermon on James 1:9-12

Why Does A Christian Sin? - Sermon on James 1:13-16

Shut Up So You Can Listen - Sermon on James 1:16-21

We Become What We Belive - Sermon on James 1:21-22

Who Are You Looking At - Sermon on James 1:22-27

How Can We Bridle Our Own Tongues? - Sermon on James 1:22-27

Review of the First Seven Lessons on James

The Law of Love Works Similarly To The Old Law - Sermon on James 2:1-11

Show No Mercy? Receive No Mercy! - Sermon on James 2:12-13

What Is Biblical Faith? - Sermon on James 2:14-19

What You Believe Produces Corresponding Actions - Sermon on James 2:20-26

Talk Right, Live Right - Sermon on James 3:1-2

A Buring Ring of Fire - Sermon on James 3:3-8